Tirzah ... A charming vintage venue for Special Celebrations. Our one focus is Love!

We are founded on Christian beliefs. Our name is inspired from Song of Solomon 6:4.

​​115 N. East Street
Belton, TX  76513 

Contact us for a
Private Tour
of this beautiful
Vintage Venue!

 Call or Text

Hot off the Press!

​"The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is.
For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves ...
And the better the teacher, the better the student body."
Warren Buffett

Event Venue Hosts Free Yoga Class to Ring in the New Year
Belton Journal
January 21, 2018
Journalism/Photography: Julia Jones, Correspondent

"To start the new year on the right foot, downtown event venue Tirzah hosted a free 'New Year, New Start, New You!' yoga class."

Warm Feet, Warm Hearts, Give Socks
Belton Journal

December 16, 2017
Journalism/Photography: Heather Regula, Correspondent

“We are hoping to warm the hearts of the homeless in our community two feet at a time by collecting socks for the homeless and raising awareness of their plight."

Broken Crayons Still Color: Tirzah Joins the Crayon Initiative
Belton Journal
October 14, 2017
Journalism/Photography: Heather Regula, Correspondent

"The mission of Tirzah is to leave a legacy of love. Everything we do ties back to one word – love! Our joy comes from helping others, and we meet the nicest people along the way." 

City of Belton Offers Grant to Improve the Exterior of Downtown Businesses
Wednesday, March 15th 2017
Reporter: Brooke Bednarz
"My initial goal was to restore this building back to its original state because when I got it, it was condemned and required a lot of work."

Belton Building Sees New Life as Bridal Boutique
January 9, 2017

"A building in Belton was on its last leg after being abandoned for nearly twenty years. Thanks to a mother-daughter duo and a whole lot of hard work, the building got another life."

Wedding Boutique Opens in Historic Belton Building
Temple Daily Telegram
January 7, 2017
Journalism: Sally Grace Holtgrieve, Telegram Correspondent   
Photography: Jenna Summa

"We basically do business in all things love and romance, but we are most excited that future generations will continue to enjoy the historic building for many years to come."

City Optimistic They Can Avoid Eminent Domain
Belton Journal

October 4, 2016
Journalism: Lindsay Starr Platt, Correspondent

"Motion was carried for an ordinance to authorize the Mayor to execute a tax abatement agreement with Tirzah located at 115 N. East Street. Tirzah is located in the existing Downtown Belton Development District."

Council Approves Tax Abatement for Downtown Business
Temple Daily Telegram
September 27, 2016
Journalism: Jacob Sanchez, Telegram Staff

"I think at one point this building was in condemnation or very close to being so it’s awesome to see it be restored.” Finance Director Brandon Bozon
“The building looks awesome.” Mayor Marion Grayson
“This is a real home run!” Councilman Craig Pearson

Building Dating Back to 1889 Gets Restored For New Belton Business
Belton Journal
September 7, 2016
Journalism/Photography: David Tuma, Publisher

“I could see the beauty of the building. I knew we could restore it!"

Residents Review Botanic Garden Plan for Bend O' The River Park
Temple Daily Telegram
July 12, 2016
Journalism/Photography: Janice Gibbs, Telegram Staff

"People will be curious about the garden, and if they like what they see, those people become advocates for the project and possibly donors."

We attended the community event since we assist in the coordination of weddings that it would be a beautiful location for a possible wedding venue in the future.

Temple Daily Telegram

February 21, 2016

Journalism: Sally Grace Holtgrieve, Telegram Correspondent