Tirzah ... A charming vintage venue for Special Celebrations. Our one focus is Love!
We are founded on Christian beliefs. Our name is inspired from Song of Solomon 6:4.
115 N. East Street
Belton, TX 76513
Contact us for a
Private Tour
of this beautiful
Vintage Venue!
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Our Mission is to leave a Legacy of Love! Every decision that we make focuses on one word ... LOVE!
Our joy comes from helping others, and we meet the nicest people doing something nice for someone else whether they are hosting a celebration or helping a charitable organization.
Rainbow in Someone's Stormy Day! ❤️
Our first endeavor was raising awareness and funds fro the ARK Foundation. This Christian organization focuses on the human trafficking in Bell County. They help victims get to safety and provide resources for them to get back on their feet; they restore hope to victims, empower new beginnings, and strive to end this epidemic. Since Bell County is located along Interstate-35, it is noted as a hot zone for this exploitation. Hopefully, we were a rainbow in someone's stormy day!
For more information regarding The Ark Foundation, see www.ark2freedom.org.
Recycling Unwanted Crayons into Unlimited Possibilities! ❤️
Our current venture is hosting a Crayon Collection Drive in connection with The Crayon Initiative! We are collecting used crayons to be recycled, re-manufactured, and distributed to children’s hospitals such as our local McLane Children’s Medical Center. The patients will receive a coloring book and a pack of 8 crayons to bring the children a little happiness and escape if only for a few minutes.
A crayon collection box will be located in the entryway of Tirzah. We will also have collection times in September from 9:00 a.m. until Noon where we will be present to receive the crayon donation.
We celebrated with an event: Crayons and Cookies Coloring Party!
The party is for children and adults, come and go, with light refreshments.
Come, Share Your Colors, and Color Your World!!
For more information regarding Tirzah and our mission to leave a Legacy of Love, call 254-760-9145.
For more information regarding The Crayon Initiative, see www.thecrayoninitiative.org.
Warm Feet, Warm Hearts, Give Socks!❤️
We warmed the hearts of the Homeless in our community two feet at a time by collecting “Socks for the Homeless” this holiday season and raised awareness of the plight of the Homeless.
For more information, please see our Homeless Initiative.
Autism Awareness! ❤️
We participated in a Heart of Texas Autism Network (HOTAN) 5k run-1k walk vendor event to raise awareness for Autism.